Technical Specs
Camera: Sony FX30
Lenses: Fujinon MK18-55 and MK50-135
A single 60 watt COB is hidden behind the passenger headrest to provide a kicker.
A single 60 watt COB is hidden behind the passenger headrest to provide a kicker.
4 COB sources and a large negative fill were used for this one shot.
4 COB sources and a large negative fill were used for this one shot.
A 1/4 diffusion and 1/8 diffusion filters stacked were used throughout the apartment scene.
A 1/4 diffusion and 1/8 diffusion filters stacked were used throughout the apartment scene.
Silhouette discovered on accident during a take.
Silhouette discovered on accident during a take.
A 1/4 diffusion and 1/8 diffusion filters stacked were used throughout the band scene.
A 1/4 diffusion and 1/8 diffusion filters stacked were used throughout the band scene.
The director makes an appearance as the bassist for the band scene.
The director makes an appearance as the bassist for the band scene.

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